Upcoming online sessions on the Salesforce Chattergroups facility

Limerick Public Participation Network will host four half-hour sessions via Zoom online to briefly go through the Salesforce Chattergroups facility on Monday Feb 1st and Tuesday Feb 2nd. The Salesforce Chattergroups facility is how Linkage Group members can communicate with each other and receive information relevant to their Linkage Groups. 


The sessions are open to all Limerick PPN members and details of the times are as follows:

  1. Monday February 1st:      1 – 1:30pm            OR           7 – 7:30pm

  2. Tuesday February 2nd:   1 – 1:30pm            OR           7 – 7:30pm


No booking is required, just log into Zoom (details below). 

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95532701159

Meeting ID: 955 3270 1159

No password required


If you or others in your group/organisation would prefer a different time, please email ppn@limerick.ie
Please ensure you have Zoom on your device so as to be able to attend the presentation