Invitation to attend Soundwalks and Webinar in the City – Pilot approach to Quiet Areas


The Council is piloting a novel approach to designating Quiet Areas in Limerick  City.

Join us for a Soundwalk and Webinar!

The world is becoming more urbanised each day and with it more people are exposed to excessive noise. In Europe over 125 million people are affected by noise pollution from traffic every year and quietness is becoming a luxury available only to a few of us. Local authorities have an opportunity to designate Quiet Areas. The designation of Quiet Areas highlights the benefit of publicly accessible places to our health and well-being where environmental noise quality is good.

Limerick has some fabulous everyday quiet areas embedded in the City fabric where social interaction is not disturbed.

The Council is piloting a novel approach to designating Quiet Areas, in Limerick City. Two areas are being assessed:

  • The People’s Park; and
  • Clancy’s Strand and O’Callaghan Strand on the northwestern bank of the River Shannon along The Three Bridges Walk.

The Council would like to collect the public perception of sound within the People’s Park and along Clancy’s Strand and O’Callaghan’s Strand and we would like to ask for your assistance.



The Council invites you to attend at least one of a series of soundwalks (listening walks) in March, to collect data using a mobile App called Hush City. Soundwalks for the public are scheduled for:

Clancy’s Strand and O’Callaghan’s Strand:

Monday 6th March:      12:30 – 2:00pm / 4.30 – 6.00pm

Thursday 16th March: 12:30 – 2:00pm / 4.30 – 6.00pm

Tuesday 21st March:    12:30 – 2:00pm


People’s Park:

Thursday 9th March:    1:00 – 2:00pm / 5.00 – 6.00pm

Monday 13th March:   1:00 – 2:00pm / 5.00 – 6.00pm

Tuesday 21st March:    5.00 – 6.00pm


Please choose which soundwalk, or soundwalks, you would like to attend and express your interest to participate by email to or by telephone at 086-1371014. The routes for the soundwalks are attached and you are requested to download the free mobile app, Hush City, prior to the soundwalks for the collection of data. If you are unable to download the mobile app, don’t worry, you will be able to complete a questionnaire supplied by the Council.



A webinar, entitled: A novel approach to designating Quiet Areas in Limerick