Public Participation Network (PPN) Climate Conversations 2022

Limerick PPN would like give a big shout out to everyone who attended the Limerick PPN “Climate Conversation” which took place on Wednesday June 22nd at Tait House, Limerick at the request of the Department of Environment, Climate, and Communications (DECC). It was great to be back meeting in person and a big thank you to Tait House for hosting us.
LPPN members from all three pillars; Community/Voluntary, Environment, and Social Inclusion, were present, and three of Limerick’s four municipal districts were represented. A great discussion took place on the night with a wide range of views expressed, issues raised and information shared.


This year the aim is to focus discussion around potential Climate Action engagement barriers from a Social Inclusion perspective but also to hear of any other issues that may be locally specific. Although suggested questions and guiding topics were provided, the DECC highlighted that their main emphasis was on the importance of  participant-led discussion in order to capture what is of prime importance locally in Limerick and to the Limerick PPN members. By identifying the core concerns brought up in PPN discussions, the DECC hopes to better understand what issues are pertinent to specific areas or populations.


A representative from the DECC sat in on the conversation via Zoom and a report outlining the issues raised and discussed has been written and forwarded to the Department. This can be accessed at the following link:


There is still an opportunity to share your views on the government’s climate action plans with an online public consultation remaining open until September 9th 2022. Your views will feed into the development of the 2022 Climate Action Plan.


Have your say in the 2022 Climate Conversation at the following link:


Find out more about the DECC Climate Conversations HERE