Limerick to unveil much awaited new brand on January 30th to strengthen its competitive edge nationally and internationally

An essential step in the exciting and transformative Limerick journey will be taken on Thursday, January 30th 2020 as it unveils a first ever brand to strengthen its competitive edge nationally and internationally.


Limerick City and County Council, after a careful and detailed process, has finalised an all-embracing brand position that it will promote across all high-potential markets. This will be promoted to raise the profile of the city and county as a destination for inward industry and tourism investment and to attract people to live, work and play here.


Announcing the brand unveil, which will take place at St. Mary’s Cathedral on January 30th, Mayor of the City and County of Limerick Cllr Michael Sheahan said: “The past decade has been arguably Limerick’s greatest ever in terms of the ground we have made. When you consider where we were at the start of it and where we were when we came out of it, these two points are poles apart.


“But you can’t assume that it’s going to continue as momentum just does not happen; you have to make it happen. That’s what we are doing with the development of this new brand for Limerick. We have worked closely with one of the world’s leading agencies, M&C Saatchi, and a range of local suppliers around the creation of the assets for the programme and this has brought us to a point where we are about to take the new brand to the market, as it were, and strengthen Limerick’s hand so that we win more investment, more visitors and more people to come and live, work and study here.


“We are very excited about the brand and believe it captures exactly what we need and will take Limerick to the next level. We are looking forward to January 30th and then putting the investment behind the brand to make sure that the Limerick story is told across the world wherever it can have the most positive impact.”


Said Limerick City and County Council Head of Marketing & Communications Laura Ryan:  “A huge amount of work has gone into this. It has been an exhaustive but incredibly enjoyable process that has involved a lot of research, conversations with people and organisations right across the city and county so that we could arrive at a brand position that reflects where we are and what we want to achieve.


Ultimately, embarking on this journey for Limerick for the first time has been a major statement. It shows the ambition that Limerick now has; that we are fully confident about our proposition, our offering and its ability to compete in the international market place.  The key thing was that we named that intent by creating a brand that would turn heads and grab a share of voice for Limerick wherever opportunities arise here in Ireland or abroad that offer potential for us. We are fully confident we have delivered that brand and look forward to bringing it to the people on January 30th.”


The brand launch event will be broadcast live at 10am on Friday, 30th January on Facebook