Limerick PPN Call for Nominations

Limerick Public Participation Network (LPPN) is currently calling for nominations to fill three (3) vacant positions. There is one, new seat, available for a PPN Representative to sit on Limerick’s “Active Cities” Steering Group, one vacant Social Inclusion seat on the Secretariat and one vacant Community/Voluntary seat on the Travel & Transportation SPC.

LPPN is calling on members to nominate suitable candidates from their organisations as follows:

  1. Limerick Sports Partnership has engaged in a project funded by Sport Ireland through the Dormant Accounts Fund (DAF) called, “Active Cities” and have asked Limerick PPN to provide a suitable candidate to participate on the steering committee looking at the logic model and programme plan for the initiative. LPPN member organisations who are members of the Community, Leisure & Culture Linkage Group can nominate for this seat
  2. One (1) vacant Community Pillar seat on the Travel & Transportation Strategic Policy Committee (responsible for all areas of policy and strategy concerning Roads/Transport Infrastructure and Travel modes): LPPN member organisations from the community/voluntary Pillar who are members of the Travel & Transportation Linkage Group can nominate for this seat
  1. One (1) vacant Social inclusion seat on the LPPN Secretariat (The Secretariat is the group of people who oversee the PPN on behalf of all the members): All LPPN members from the Social Inclusion Pillar can nominate for this seat
N.B. If you are unsure which Pillar your group is registered under, email


Elections information and nomination forms are available on the Elections Resources page on the Limerick PPN website 
The closing date for receipt of completed nomination forms is: 2pm Friday 25th March 2022
Where there are contested seats online elections will take place: 10am Monday 4th April – 2pm Friday 58h April 2022


N.B. If you are interested in a particular vacancy but your group/organisation is not a member of the relevant Linkage Group simply email to join a Linkage Group. Deadline for changes or additions to Linkage Groups is 2pm Friday March 25th 
Please direct any queries to: