Further Elections Scheduled for Limerick PPN


Following the recent elections to 7 Limerick City and County Council committees, there remain a number of vacancies. Limerick PPN Secretariat has decided to run further elections with the aim of having as many names of PPN representatives as possible for the scheduled meeting of Limerick City and County Council at the end of September.

One committee has no PPN representation at all. This is the Home and Social Development Strategic Policy Committee (SPC). In an attempt to encourage engagement in the Linkage Group for this committee and to encourage PPN members to nominate individuals, Limerick PPN is running a webinar where a Director of Service of Limerick City and County Council will present on the Home and Social Development SPC. This will take place on-line on Wednesday 2nd September 1-1.30pm. We are waiting confirmation of whether there will be ISL interpretation for this event.

To register for this event, visit: Eventbritehttps://www.eventbrite.ie/e/webinar-on-home-and-social-development-spc-tickets-117583566613

Nomination forms and election information are available on the Linkage Group page.

Key dates

  1. Up to 2pm Thursday 27th August: Limerick PPN members will be able to join Linkage Groups* (members of these can vote). Check here to see current Linkage Group membership.
  2. By 2pm Thursday 27th August: any changes to the contact details of who is voting on behalf of your group need to be finalised*
  3. 5pm Sunday 6th September: deadline for receipt of nominations
  4. 9am Wednesday 16th September to 5pm Sunday 20th September: online elections take place
  5. 1-1.30pm Wednesday 2nd September: online webinar on Home and Social Development SPC

* In order to join a Linkage Group or to check who is the named or primary contact for your group/organisation on any Linkage Group, email your query to ppn@limerick.ie