Public consultation to inform the development of the first ever Strategy for the Criminal Justice System

We have been notified that the Department of Justice and Equality is holding an online public consultation to inform the development of the first ever Strategy for the Criminal Justice System. This online consultation process offers the public and other interested parties, the chance to have their say on the proposed direction of this Strategy.

This may be of interest to Limerick PPN members – in particular members who are interested in joining the Community Safety and Policing Linkage Group which elects PPN representatives to sit on Limerick’s Joint Policing Committee (JPC).

In order to get a more in-depth insight into the views of the public, the Department is planning to host three interactive online consultation events over the coming weeks. These seminars will last for approximately two hours in total and will offer participants the opportunity to provide detailed feedback on elements of the Strategy, including its proposed strategic objectives, guiding principles and priority actions.

Interested individuals may register to attend one of the below online consultation events via the following links:

2pm Wed 24 June      

Register by: 1pm June 22


2pm Wed 1 July  

Register by: 1pm June 29


2pm Wed 15 July

Register by: 1pm July 10


The Department of Justice and Equality have indicated that they would like to see attendance from a cross-section of society and have asked that the details of these consultation events be shared with representatives of minority groups and new communities, where possible. So please feel free to share with relevant people and groups who may not be receiving this email.As this is an online event, and so as to maximise participation by those attending, there will be limited availability.

For those unable to participate in these online forums, or who would prefer an alternative method of inputting into this consultation, an online survey and an invitation to provide written submissions will be launched on the Department’s website shortly.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact the event organisers via email at