Limerick PPN call to join New Linkage Groups.

Following on from filling ten (10) PPN seats on three (3) of Limerick City and County Council’s Strategic Policy Committees (SPC’s) the next priority for Limerick PPN is to plan elections for the following:

• Home and Social Development SPC
• Travel and Transportation SPC
• Joint Policing Committee (JPC),
• Local Community Development Committee (LCDC)
• 3 seats on the LPPN Secretariat

The details will be decided at the next Secretariat meeting so watch this space for updates.  The latest information will be posted as soon as it is available including, of course, information regarding the remaining seats to be filled on the three SPC’s covered in the recent election process.

In the meantime PPN members are invited to join Limerick PPN Linkage Groups and reminded that in order to participate in an election for representation on a particular Local Authority committee your group/organisation must be a member of the relevant Linkage Group.

Find out more about Linkage Groups on

In order to join a Linkage Group email to confirm which Linkage Group(s) your group/organisation wishes to be a member of.

You can get more information about SPC meetings by going to the Council meetings calendar on Click on the SPC or other meeting you are interested in – the agenda and minutes should be included where they are available.

For any members of the Community, Voluntary, Social Inclusion and Environmental sectors of Limerick City and County who are not members of the PPN but wish to participate you can still register with Limerick PPN or email for details.